One the wonderful surprises about this podcast and the Racing Home project is the number of people who’ve said to us that the topics and ideas we’ve been discussing and highlighting are now much more front and centre of their thoughts and conversations at work than they ever have been before, and that they’re really trying to implement change within their small sphere of the racing bubble.
If you’re a man of a certain age with grown up children like Stephen Padgett, or a childfree running-loving thirty-something woman like Susannah Gill, then the realities and pressures of a lot of the topics we’ve covered in the podcast aren’t necessarily crossing your mind on a daily basis. Although as you’ll hear, that’s all about the change for Susannah…
Suz and Stephen have kindly joined me today, and I am really grateful to both of them for their absolute honesty on this topic. You’ll hear Stephen talk openly about how he never dealt with his only children’s nappies, and how he does much more as a grandfather than he did when his kids were little, and Susannah on how running and travel have previously been much higher priorities for her than starting a family.
But mainly, we’re talking about change. Changes in thoughts, actions and attitudes – both their own and those of the people around them. I’ll let Suz introduce herself first.